God is at work in NW Ocala! He is opening up many doors for ministry, and we are praying about our next steps in this area. By connecting with families through summer programs and community groups in the fall, we hope to see make people come to faith in Christ.
We are looking for people to join one of four teams to help with this process. To sign up or find out more about one of these teams, visit this page.
Prayer Team
We are looking for people to specifically pray for the NW Ocala area and our efforts there this summer and fall.
Community Engagement Team
Our community engagement team will work to serve and engage the NW part of Ocala. We will do this through four different ways in 2023: Mission Ocala summer day camp, the summer basketball league, in one of the public schools during the school year, and at an afterschool program at the Croskey Center. Our goal is to be completely covered in each of these areas two months before the activity will begin.
Community Groups Team
Our community groups team will provide training and mentoring for adults; childcare, tutoring, and activities for children; and cover preparation and cleanup of dinner. These groups will be most likely on Thursdays during September and October, from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. Our goal is to recruit and train a group of 6-8 people for each of the three areas.
Church Launch Team
We are looking for people who would be willing to be part of planning a future church plant in this area. God has opened up so many doors int his area, so we are excited about "what's next."