Women's Ministries

The women's ministry at Cross Pointe exists to connect women to God, to each other, and to the world. We actively seek God’s will in finding ways to enrich the lives of women both from our church and those not yet connected by encouraging, involving, and teaching them, as well as through friendships, worship, outreach, and building God's kingdom!

If you would like to know more about serving opportunities and upcoming events, or  interested in our women's newsletter, please let us know.  If we can help you in any way, contact our Ministry Assistant, Sherry Stanley either via e-mail or at 352-861-5577.


Beginning the week of June 3rd, two different book clubs will begin.

Let us know what you prefer: and evening class or a daytime class.

Choose from:

Yes, No & Maybe - Living with the God of Immeasurably More by Wendy Pope

Come and learn how our heartfelt "Yes" cultivates trust, "No" invites revelation, and "Maybe" welcomes the freedom to confidently love, give and serve in God's Kingdom.

The Blessing of Humility by Jerry Bridges

After love, humility is the foundational character trait most frequently taught in the Bible.  What humility looks like in daily action is described in the Beatitudes.  This book is for those seeking more of Jesus and less of self in their lives.

As Summer Book Club begins, you will be placed in a group that is convenient for you and once your group is formed, you will

decide as a group the best day of the week and time to meet.  Please register here if you are interested.  You are not necessarily

committing to join, but are asking for more information.  We would love to have you!